Creating Worlds with Hannah Davis

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Have you ever bought a child an amazing toy, but instead of playing with the toy they spend hours playing with the empty box?  This is because a cardboard box acts as an unstructured object that they can channel their imagination into where anything is possible. 

Hannah Davis’ project, Creating Worlds, will encourage people to release their inner child, use their imagination and create a world where anything is possible.

Hannah will work with a small group of young adults from the Collier Row area, facilitating them through a journey of creative process where they can use their imagination to create a world. From early ideas workshops, through growing their collective idea, to fruition where they will build a set and capture their world on camera.

Participants and observers will be able to take their own photos and share to inspire others to chase their dreams and creativity, without fear, guilt or lack of confidence. 

Interested? If you are aged between 18-25, live in the Collier Row area would like to try your hand at building a collective world, photographing and even appearing in the world, get in touch now! No experience is necessary, just commitment to the project and the willingness to allow your imagination to roam free….

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About the artist

Hi I’m Hannah, I have ideas, build sets and make photos. I have been using photography as a tool to share my version of the world for 10 years now, however reality has never lived up to my expectations, so now I build my own reality with theatrical sets in my practice and creating a business that lets me lead the life I dreamed of!

The worlds I create  are pulled from the depths of my imagination; which are wrapped up in childhood nostalgia, wonder, and magic. 

 My journey into adulthood dimmed my creative spark, I couldn't see how this uncontrollable, disorderly, frantic creative energy could be tamed, to fit into a role society asks for. I did try, for 3 years, but I sacrificed part of me in doing so. 

 The thing is, I didn't realise I had a narrow mind about what my creativity could do; I thought I was only able to make awesome photos but I was so wrong. The fact is creativity is the one tool we have as humans to be able to change the world. If that's not a good enough reason it is going to become one of the most highly sought after skills in the economic world by 2025. 

 My job now is to redefine the value of creativity to individuals and reconnect them to their limitless imagination so they have the tools, mindset and skills to empower them to make change in their lives.

I’m so honoured I can create new stories while helping inspire and educate creatives. 


World Book Night 2021


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